Notes on doing it — Day #124: Why quantity is more important than quality

124 days in I hope I’m right about this one

Fighter Pilot
1 min readJul 23, 2021
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

I did it. I absolutely did it. After 15 days I finished my article, which is now named 10 things writing 100 posts in 100 days taught me about building your dreams. Sure, I still need to add my sources and the the formatting before I can submit it to a publication. But I’m done with the writing.

I could probably spend another 15 days going through every sentence in editing. But then I wouldn’t stay true to my ambitions of being less perfectionistic and more productive. Besides that I also need the energy and confidence boost that come with finishing a project. The best way to achieve perfection is through massive amounts of practice. That’s how quantity not beats but leads to quality.

So here’s to shipping projects off when they’re 90% percent perfect to make space and time for new learning opportunities.



Fighter Pilot

Fighter pilot reject taking notes on how to follow your dreams. I’m publishing those notes right here every day.