Notes on doing it — Day #178: How writing and publishing every day has increased my pain tolerance

Chase your dreams and build character to stick it out on the rainy days

Fighter Pilot


Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

I was soaked when I got home from work today. 3 minutes out in the rain was all it took before every inch of my body was moist when I hopped on my bike. Yes, it was just as awful as it sounds. However, I handled it way better than I would have done 6 months ago. In fact, I almost enjoyed it. Let me explain.

I already knew I was going to get wet when I left the office. It had been raining all day with no signs of slowing down. It was just something I had to persevere. Now perseverance is definitely something I have been building throughout the past 6 months of writing these daily posts. Some days have been really tough to get through while still having to write. All that experience of dealing with stress and fatigue definitely dwarfed this short, but miserable bike ride I had to go through.

Another thing that got me through this hellish experience easier than ever was doing it with a purpose. When I got on my bike I knew I had to get home in order to write this post and deal with other things in relation to my long term goals. That gave me a light at the end of the tunnel to chase.

Grinding day in and day out does leave you stronger. The first results you are going to see might not be what you expect. Maybe you’re not making millions or performing in front of thousands of people yet, but every hour you spend practicing and perfecting your craft comes with the added benefit of building perseverance. The more hardship you go through the more hardship you can take, as long as you do it with a purpose.



Fighter Pilot

Fighter pilot reject taking notes on how to follow your dreams. I’m publishing those notes right here every day.