Notes on doing it — Day #358: Listen to your body

Building lasting habits and chasing your dreams isn’t about pushing yourself every single day.

Fighter Pilot
Mar 15, 2022
Photo by André Noboa on Unsplash

One of the keys to building strong and healthy habits is listening to your body. You want to avoid burnout. So make sure to check in with yourself every once in a while. Are you feeling drained today? Then maybe the most productive thing you can do is actually rest.

Put in the least amount of work required for you to maintain your habit. Scale it all the way down. Accept that that’s how far you will get today. And then get some rest. Treat yourself. How about 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep? How does that sound? Great if you ask me! Imma take it. Right now. See ya.



Fighter Pilot

Fighter pilot reject taking notes on how to follow your dreams. I’m publishing those notes right here every day.