Notes on doing it — Day #42: I’m sleepwriting. WTF?

I wrote an Instagram worthy quote in my sleep.

Fighter Pilot


Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

This is going to sound freaky. I wrote a blog post in my sleep. At least I think so.

Yesterday I woke up with the following words echoing in my mind: Think ahead. Act now. And I remember the feeling of having an epiphany and spelling out why your actions right now should reflect your goals for the future rather than your current desires.

To be honest that’s not really an epiphany. I have written about that exact topic before. But what does it mean that I’m dreaming about writing these posts and coming up with short and precise phrases to convey my messages while I’m at sleep? Think ahead — Act now could easily be a tattoo on some wannabe entrepreneur’s forearm. My own for example.

I have read about mathematicians who went to bed thinking about a calculation they couldn’t solve only to wake up with the answer clear in their mind. Maybe this is the same kind of deal? Or maybe it’s just a natural result of spending a great amount of mental energy, thinking about how to get to where we want in life.



Fighter Pilot

Fighter pilot reject taking notes on how to follow your dreams. I’m publishing those notes right here every day.