Why Empathy is One of the Most Important Skills to Practice if You Want to Become Successful

“The value of your company is equal to the sum of the problems you are able to solve”

Fighter Pilot
2 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Let’s talk about empathy and why it’s one of the most overlooked but important skills if you want to become successful in almost any field.

Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”. The part I want you to focus on here is “understand”.

Why is it important to understand the feelings of other people? That’s because it enables you to help them. Understanding why people feel frustrated is the first step to creating solutions to help them get rid of those frustrations. And understanding what makes people feel excited allows you to provide them with similar experiences or products.

Empathy let’s you create value for your audience. Take it from someone who has made a lot of people dance, Martin Lorentzon, co-founder of Spotify. He puts it like this:

“The value of your company is equal to the sum of the problems you are able to solve”.

If you don’t understand how your audience feels, how can you solve their problems? Try putting yourself in their place, observe their actions, or even better: talk to them. Those are all strategies that will help you better understand your audience.



Fighter Pilot

Fighter pilot reject taking notes on how to follow your dreams. I’m publishing those notes right here every day.